Electric Cigs Celebrities and Their Love for E-Cigs Eric Roberts and the Costello Twins

Have you ever thought of following the advice of most celebrities and your friends and consider giving electric cigs a try to see how well it helps you quit smoking conventional cigarettes completely and for good? If you are still in doubt, the rest of this article might help push you even further in the right direction.

Electric Cigs: High Tech Gadgets Now Available To You

First of all, an electric cigarette is a new type of high tech gadget that simulates everything thing to do with conventional cigarettes. Basically, an electric cigarette (otherwise known as electronic cigarette or e-cig) is a micro-electronic technology driven cig made up of 3 parts:

  • A nicotine cartridge.
  • An atomization chamber.
  • A microchip powered by a small lithium battery.

At the tip of the device is an LED indicator – that lights up when you inhale to simulate the light you see on normal cigarettes. What happens is that the device turns nicotine liquid contained within the cartridge into vapour by heating it with the atomizer. The end result is harmless water vapour which simulates an actual smoke but yet produces the smoker with the desired nicotine content.

Celebrities Are Vaping Electric Cigs Everywhere

In the image below, Eric Roberts and the Costello Twins are snapped puffing Smoke Stik Platinum electric cigs. Aside from these guys, many other celebrities have been spotted smoking electric cigarettes.

Eric Roberts and the Costello Twins Vaping Their Smoke Stik Platinum Electric Cigs

Photo: Eric Roberts and the Costello Twins Vaping Their Smoke Stik Platinum Electric Cigs

Now that you know how electric cigs work, it should be clear why many people including celebrities are making the switch; right? Aside from the fact they produce completely harmless vapour (i.e. no harm done to the smoker and no second hand smoke), they also provide benefits including: a healthier smoking alternative, no disturbance in the social circle, save plenty of money, come in several flavours and nicotine content to choose from, and a whole lot more.

It is no wonder then that the likes of Katherine Heigl, Kate Moss, Eric Roberts, the Costello Twins, and many more are hooked on them.

This is the fifth and final article on a five article series on

Celebrities and Electric Cigs

that was posted once per day during this week. You can read all the other articles here https://electriccigs.net/celebrities-and-electric-cigs/.

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Electric Cigs Celebrities and Their Love for E-Cigs Snooki and JWoww Jersey Shore Starlets

Electric Cigs for You

Electric cigs are no longer restricted to top class celebrities these days. Now smokers range from reality TV stars (like Jersey Shore’s Snooki and JWoww pictured below during a basketball game in LA) to everyday people and party goers. In short, if you think you do not have enough to get an electric cig for yourself or, for some other reason, not allowed to have one, then you are in luck as words are starting to spread around about bars/ clubs who provide rental ones – more on that later.

Snooki and JWoww Smoking Electric Cigs During A Basketball Game in LA

Photo: Snooki and JWoww Smoking Electric Cigs During A Basketball Game in LA

Vaping – Smoking is Out

Now, about the Jersey Shore hotties and their love for electric cigarettes, apparently both are trying hard to leave the tobacco smoking habit behind for good and are strictly sticking with electric cigarettes. In the image, only JWowww is spotted puffing one but Snooki has once been snapped vaping (a word for describing the vaporised nicotine in electric cigs) one inside LAX (Los Angeles International Airport).

Safe for You and People around You

Anyway, why is everyone getting carried away by the electronic cigarette craze? The answer is simple: e-cigarettes do not release real smoke.  Instead, flavoured nicotine fluid is heated up to create the water vapour released into the air, thereby simulating the conventional act of smoking.  In addition, you get no messy tar like you would usually see with normal ones and you can smoke one pretty much anywhere you want.

Nicotine Flavours and Strengths

To quickly round this up, with electric cigarettes, you are no longer letting off any second-hand smokes for onlookers or friends like you would with conventional cigarettes as it only lets off harmless water vapour to simulate real smoke. Imagine never having to have people despise you or friends walk a bit farther from you so as to avoid the smell of tobacco while you smoke; now, that is different.  Best of all, you can choose from 3 main flavours (Classic Tobacco, Menthol and  Marl) and 4 available nicotine levels (18mg, 14mg, 11mg, and 0mg).

This is the fourth article on a five article series on Celebrities and Electric Cigs that will be posted once per day during this week. You can read all the other articles here https://electriccigs.net/celebrities-and-electric-cigs/.

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Electric Cigs Celebrities and Their Love for E-Cigs Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Charlize Theron

Many Celebrities Are Making the Switch to Electric Cigs

Spotted anyone or one of your favourite celebrities smoking in public or, even smoke free areas? If, for reasons understandable, you wondered why they could smoke in such places with no repercussions, then you shouldn’t because chances are they are smoking one of the many brands of the new technological phenomenon drawing plenty of attention around the globe – they are called electric cigs.

Why Are Celebrities Switching to Electric Cigs?

Most celebrity smokers (and some non-smokers alike) have jumped on board using electric cigs in place of conventional cigarettes due to a simple reason: they are not as harmful to the human body as their counterparts. Aside from that, they are cheaper in the long run, produce no tar, flame, or carbon monoxide, do not turn smokers’ teeth brown, do not contaminate the smoker’s vicinity with smell of tobacco and, best of all, can be smoked just about anywhere.

It is no wonder then that the likes of Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Charlize Theron, (all pictured below)  and a whole lot more celebrities are making the switch these days.

Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Charlize Theron smoking electric cigs

Photo: Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Charlize Theron smoking electric cigs

What Brands Of Electric Cigs Are Celebrities Using?

So, what brand of electric cigarettes do these guys smoke and which one is best for you? To answer that, there are lots of brands out there and at different prices for you to choose from. At the end of the day, the choice is yours but here are just a few of them: Blu, No7, NJOY, e-Cigs, Premium Electronic Cigarette, White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes, Eluma Electronic Cigarettes and, many more.

What Flavours And Nicotine Strengths Do Celebrities Using Prefer?

Now what choices do they have when it comes to electric cigarette flavour? Most electric cigs come in 3 different flavours and nicotine strengths depending on the smoker’s taste. That is:

  • 3 Flavours – Classic Tobacco (somewhat similar to Camel cigarettes, Parliament cigarettes, Virginia Slims cigarettes), Menthol (similar to a Newport cigarette, Marlboro Menthol cigarette), Marl (similar to traditional Marlboro cigarette flavour).
  • 4 nicotine levels – 18mg, 14mg, 11mg, and 0mg.

If you are the type that likes to go with the trends set by celebrities, it is hard to tell what brand or flavour any particular celebrity smoker prefers unless they say so, which is highly unlikely. Hence, if you ever spot one of your favourite stars puffing one, chances are they fall into one or more of the above mentioned.

This is the third article on a five article series on Celebrities and Electric Cigs that will be posted once per day during this week. You can read all the other articles here https://electriccigs.net/celebrities-and-electric-cigs/.

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Electric Cigs Celebrities and Their Love for E-Cigs Kevin Federline

Things You Should Know About Electric Cigs

Have you wondered, in recent times, why certain people or celebrities are being spotted smoking in public places with smoking bans? Wonder no more because the answer is simply electric cigarettes. These cigarettes are high tech and are designed to turn nicotine into flavoured (water) vapour for smokers to inhale instead of the conventional tobacco cigarettes which is known to be harmful to both smokers and second-hand smokers alike.

Different Flavors

Electric cigarettes have a component called the Flavour Cartridge.  As the name implies, this cartridge contains the flavour which depends on the user’s choice and the brand of cigarette. As of now, electronic cigarette flavours come in different varieties but fall into one of four varying degrees of nicotine strengths. They are: regular tobacco, marlboro, mint, almond, chocolate, cherry, regular, menthol, apple and strawberry; with the most popular being menthol (by an overwhelming margin) then followed by strawberry, believe it or not.

Smoke Anywhere

Most people and celebrities are making the switch now because with electric cigarettes, smokers leave no second-hand smoke, and no tar, tobacco, ash or smell to passers-by. Also, e-cigs do not cause yellow teeth, and yet taste great and means no more restrictions; i.e. you can smoke it just about anywhere.

Smokeless Sensation

In the images below, you can see Kevin Federline (Britney Spears’ ex-husband) puffing what looks like exactly like an electric cigarette while, the other is a photo showing a closer view of someone else smoking the cigarette. Looks real doesn’t it? The difference here is that the smoke only comes out of the smoker’s mouth and not the tip of the cigarette like conventional smoking.

Kevin Federline Smoking Electric Cigs

Photo (left): Kevin Federline Smoking Electric Cigs

His Favourite Electric Cig Brands

E-cigarettes, as they are often called, come in various brand with some of the most popular among celebrities being: NO7, Blu, White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes, Knight Sticks, Crown Lion E-Cigarettes, Smoking Everywhere, and many more. So, if you ever spot Johnny Depp or Kevin Federline puffing what looks like an electric cigar in smoke free or public areas, then chances are it is one of the above or one not mentioned.

You may be wondering why a celebrity, or anyone for that matter, would pick one brand over the other even though they seem to be similar, right? The fact of the matter is, it’s either due to personal choice or that one brand feels more posh than the other.

This is the second article on a five article series on Celebrities and Electric Cigs that will be posted once per day during this week. You can read all the other articles here https://electriccigs.net/celebrities-and-electric-cigs/.

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Electric Cigs Celebrities and Their Love for E-Cigs Leo DiCaprio and Lindsay Lohan

Notice how much publicity electronic cigarettes (e-Cigs as they are sometimes called) are gaining among celebrities these days? You look in the news, you see one celebrity after another smoking one and you look in the papers and online, it’s the same thing. From the looks of things, electric cigs’ popularity will continue to grow; perhaps, mostly due to the fact that more and more celebrities endorse and puff them even in public places including places where cigarette bans are in place.

In the pictures below, you see Leonardo DiCaprio smoking one whole cycling around the city while Lindsay Lohan looks to have just pulled one out of its package. Both are known smokers who have made the switch to the more technologically advanced and safer option.

Leonardo DiCaprio smoking an electric cig Lindsay Lohan Smoking An Electric Cig

Why are celebrities making the switch to electric cigs?

So, what do electric cigarettes have that attract these famous people to them instead of the conventional tobacco cigarettes? Well, chances are, the answer is different for each of these celebrities, just as it is different for every smoker that has switched over.

For most people, they chose to switch to e-Cigs so as to save money but you bet that is not the case for most celebrities. Hence, Leonardo Dicaprio and Lindsay Lohan may have either picked one up just for the sake of it or because they are endorsing a brand or, even – probably far from it, to help them quit smoking for good.

Their Favorite Electric Cig Brands

Although, from the pictures above, it is hard to tell exactly what cigarette brands or flavour these stars are smoking, but could fall into one or more of the following categories: Crown Lion E-Cigarettes, Knight Sticks, Smoking Everywhere, Blu, White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes, and many more.

In short, there are several of such available as we speak and many more brands are expected to sprout over time. With that said, flavours available vary from brand to brand classic tobacco, menthol and Marl (similar to traditional Marlboro cigarette flavour).

This is the first article on a five article series on Celebrities and Electric Cigs that will be posted once per day during this week. You can read all the other articles here https://electriccigs.net/celebrities-and-electric-cigs/.

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Quit Smoking With Electric Cigs

Perhaps just like many other smokers out there you have tried many different methods to stop smoking – pills, patches, hypnosis and many others. Well now there is another method, fairly new and not widely known, that can be quite effective in the battle to quit smoking: the electric cig.

What is an electric cig?

An electric cig is a battery-driven gadget that allows you to continue smoking without losing the sensations nor taking the risks of traditional cigarettes. The battery power pumps the liquid nicotine from the refillable cartridge, turning it into a vapour form for inhalation.

Since electric cig liquid does not contain tobacco, you avoid all the harmful effects it causes on your health. But you still get the ‘kick’ from the nicotine and it feels like a real cigarette too. There is no burning taking place so the whole experience is smoke-free.

Using electric cigs to quit smoking

Many smokers switch from regular cigarettes to electric smokeless cigs on their way to quit smoking entirely.  The e-cig has the advantage of letting you select the nicotine level most suitable for you. The nicotine levels range from zero to mid-levels to high levels. The beauty of this adjustable nicotine level is that you can gradually reduce the level over time until you have completely weaned yourself off of electric cigs all together.

Most of the time you don’t need to take more than a puff or two over a one  hour period to get the nicotine level you want, as you are working your way towards quitting. Certain inhaling techniques will also help you reduce your puffing rate.

Moving from traditional cigarettes to electric cigs

When moving from traditional cigarettes to electric cigs, one method is to do a slow switch to get your body and mind acclimatized to the new device. The e-cig therefore acts as a type of nicotine substituting tool. But some people prefer to go on a ‘cold turkey’ switch – completely stopping one method and immediately replacing it with another, which they comment is a little less painful.

The challenge with the latter method is that it doesn’t give you sufficient time to adjust to using this new apparatus, and should you run into problems you may be tempted to go back to tobacco.  Some people recommend not keeping a back up pack of normal cigarettes at hand to deal with those sudden emergencies.

Reducing or eliminating withdrawal symptoms

An issue that smokers who quit face are the withdrawal symptoms that can be quite intense. The great thing about using an electronic cigarette as a nicotine substitute is exactly that, you can still get regular doses of nicotine and prevent withdrawal symptoms that come with stopping suddenly.

Using different nicotine levels

Since you can adjust the nicotine levels all the way down to zero, technically speaking you can quit smoking but still enjoy the motions of smoking by using this gadget. Some smokers continue with using it long after they’ve weaned themselves off of nicotine.

By imitating normal smoking patterns without the dangerous health effects of tobacco, an electronic cigarette might just be the technique you need to successfully stop smoking.

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