jude law

Electric Cigs – Celebrities and Their Love for E-Cigs – Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Charlize Theron

Many Celebrities Are Making the Switch to Electric Cigs

Spotted anyone or one of your favourite celebrities smoking in public or, even smoke free areas? If, for reasons understandable, you wondered why they could smoke in such places with no repercussions, then you shouldn’t because chances are they are smoking one of the many brands of the new technological phenomenon drawing plenty of attention around the globe – they are called electric cigs.

Why Are Celebrities Switching to Electric Cigs?

Most celebrity smokers (and some non-smokers alike) have jumped on board using electric cigs in place of conventional cigarettes due to a simple reason: they are not as harmful to the human body as their counterparts. Aside from that, they are cheaper in the long run, produce no tar, flame, or carbon monoxide, do not turn smokers’ teeth brown, do not contaminate the smoker’s vicinity with smell of tobacco and, best of all, can be smoked just about anywhere.

It is no wonder then that the likes of Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Charlize Theron, (all pictured below)  and a whole lot more celebrities are making the switch these days.

Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Charlize Theron smoking electric cigs

Photo: Britney Spears, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Charlize Theron smoking electric cigs

What Brands Of Electric Cigs Are Celebrities Using?

So, what brand of electric cigarettes do these guys smoke and which one is best for you? To answer that, there are lots of brands out there and at different prices for you to choose from. At the end of the day, the choice is yours but here are just a few of them: Blu, No7, NJOY, e-Cigs, Premium Electronic Cigarette, White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes, Eluma Electronic Cigarettes and, many more.

What Flavours And Nicotine Strengths Do Celebrities Using Prefer?

Now what choices do they have when it comes to electric cigarette flavour? Most electric cigs come in 3 different flavours and nicotine strengths depending on the smoker’s taste. That is:

  • 3 Flavours – Classic Tobacco (somewhat similar to Camel cigarettes, Parliament cigarettes, Virginia Slims cigarettes), Menthol (similar to a Newport cigarette, Marlboro Menthol cigarette), Marl (similar to traditional Marlboro cigarette flavour).
  • 4 nicotine levels – 18mg, 14mg, 11mg, and 0mg.

If you are the type that likes to go with the trends set by celebrities, it is hard to tell what brand or flavour any particular celebrity smoker prefers unless they say so, which is highly unlikely. Hence, if you ever spot one of your favourite stars puffing one, chances are they fall into one or more of the above mentioned.

This is the third article on a five article series on Celebrities and Electric Cigs that will be posted once per day during this week. You can read all the other articles here https://electriccigs.net/celebrities-and-electric-cigs/.

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